FAQ Scholarship Support
What kind of research training experiences does the WCAF support?
The Wine Alliance Program offers paid research training experiences in viticulture, sustainability and related sciences. For example, for winemakers grapevine diseases can be devastating; these scholarships and financial aid help scientists and winemakers continue their ongoing research and experimentation to keep these diseases under control.
What is the goal of the program?
The goal of this program is to increase participation of under-served, underrepresented groups in viticulture, oenology, virology and agricultural STEM.
Likewise, the program goal is to fund scholarships to learn the scientific framework for successful wine-making and its related studies. It’s designed for those in production wine-making, its combination of academic knowledge and real-world, commercial application regarding a career in the wine industry.
Further, the goal of the wine alliance program is to provide a scientific and technical foundation for production wine-making, with an emphasis on understanding the chemical and microbiological processes of wine-making and related careers such as chemistry, biology and virology.
There are other educational careers, everything from working for a distributor, importer, retailer, or restaurant to being a marketing copywriter, wine journalist, public relations specialist, or working for a regional wine association such as Bordeaux or Chianti Classico that the program can assist.
How do the programs work?
Participants are paired with educators and scientists and conduct research projects related to their advisor's expertise. This allows college students and recent college graduates to gain valuable hands-on experience. *Applicants may apply to multiple internship programs for the same time frame.
Is there Crowdfunding for other community or national charities supported?
Yes! Americans are using their money to help other people more now than ever before. In 2017, individuals in the US donated over $286 billion to charities, according to a report by Giving USA.
If you’ve also caught the giving bug and want to donate to one of the best US charities, how do you know where to start? How do you know if your donation will go straight to administrative costs or actually fund charitable programs?
We are part of the simplified process of Crowdfunding; one of the best ways to raise money for charity. Crowdfunding harnesses the power of social networks and the internet to give people the way to raise funds, donate to charities and meet aspirational goals. You can do everything from pay for an emergency surgery to fulfilling a student’s dream of attending college—and so much more.
What is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is safe. Crowdfunding has made it possible for people to offer direct support to charities; those who need emergency financial aid assistance, contributing to the larger trend of individual giving.
Are Crowdfunding donations easy?
Yes! Online fundraising removes the traditional barriers that typically exist when asking for support, making it simple’ no application process, donation receipts are generated, the donations directly go to the charities bank account, so you can get help right away. It’s a real inspiration to take action.